Balvatika Level 3

Sorting and Classifying by Colour and Size

Sorting and Classifying Week 4 – Sorting by Colour and Size Objective Students would sort objects and pictures based on colour and size accurately when assorted objects are provided to them. Prerequisites 1. Children know the concept of size (big, medium and small)2. Concept of matching Pre-Teach Vocabulary Together, Big, Small, Medium Introduction The activity […]

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Sorting and Classifying by Shape

Sorting and Classifying Week 3 – Sorting by Shape Objective Students will be able to sort pictures and objects based on their shape when assorted objects or pictures are provided to them. Prerequisites Children are able to recognize shapes such as circle, square, triangle and rectangle. Pre-Teach Vocabulary Together, round, triangle, circle, square, rectangle, sort, shape.

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Sorting and Classifying by Size

Sorting and Classifying Week 2 – Sorting by Size Objective Students will be able to sort objects and pictures based on size, when assorted objects of different sizes are provided to them. Prerequisites Children know the concept of size (big, medium and small). Pre-Teach Vocabulary Together, small, big, medium, sorting Introduction Video: Introduction to Sorting

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Sorting and Classifying by Colour

Sorting and Classifying Week 1 – Sorting by Colour Objective Students will be able to sort objects and pictures based on colour with 90% accuracy when assorted things are provided to them. Prerequisites 1. Children can identify primary colours.(To begin, the teacher can quickly assess students’ understanding/comprehension by asking them to name the various colours

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