My Body (Part 1) and Alphabet Group ‘CATPIN’
Week 3
Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.
The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.
The topic/concept ‘My Body’ will be reinforced with some additional information about different parts of the body.
Language game ‘Gaja says’, guided visualisation, playdough face activity, tracing letters on sand, finding the way home activities are planned for the week to make the learning enjoyable.
Listening and Speaking: My Body (Part 1)
Total Physical response/warm-up exercise (to be done before every session)
Note to the teacher:
Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of My Body topic’s detailed asset.
Refer to the given LTM Video Warm-Up Exercise given in Week 1, to conduct the above activity.
Refer to the ‘TPR/Warm up exercise’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 1
The teacher revises the parts of the body done during the previous two weeks and later introduces new ones.
- The teacher shows a flashcard of the hand and says, ‘hand’.
- Children will repeat- ‘hand’.
- Then the teacher touches his/her hands and says, “This is my hand.”
- Children touch their hands and repeat- ‘My hand’.
Similarly, the teacher will repeat the process with other parts of the body.
- This is my palm.
- These are my fingers.
- This is my thumb.
Post teaching activity –
The teacher can show flash cards and revise all the parts of the body.
Refer to the Flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.
Day 2
The teacher introduces some more parts of the body:
- The teacher shows the flashcard of the chest and says- ‘chest’.
- Children will repeat- ‘chest’.
- The teacher will demonstrate and say, “This is my chest.”
- Children touch their chest and repeat- ‘My chest’.
- Similarly, the teacher will repeat the process with other parts of the body.
- This is my stomach.
- This is my leg.
- This is my foot.
Post teaching activity: Guided visualisation
The teacher will ask children to close their eyes. She will slowly ask them to think of the head,…..eyes,……nose,…….mouth,…….chin,…..teeth,……hands,…..legs,……..foot….:
We have so many beautiful parts of the body. We should love our body.
She/He asks the children to sit silently for a minute and then to open their eyes.
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Guided Visualisation – Coming soon
ISL Video: Guided Visualisation – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 3
The teacher revises the parts of the body done on Day 1 and 2 and introduces the other parts of the body.
- The teacher shows the flashcard of the knee and says, ‘knee’.
- Children repeat – ‘knee’.
- Then, the teacher touches his/her knee and says, “This is my knee.”
- Children touch their knees and repeat – “My knee.”
- Similarly, the teacher will repeat the process with other parts of the body.
- This is my ankle.
- These are my toes.
- This is my heel.
Post teaching activity:
The teacher can show flash cards and gives commands as given below:
- Tap your knee.
- Touch your toes.
- Walk on your heels.
- Wave your hands.
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ and ‘Activity’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 4
Main Concept: Revision and Closing Session:
- The teacher can talk about the different parts of the body.
- The teacher demonstrates some actions using different parts of the body. eg., move your head from right to left, wave your hands and wiggle your toes.
- The children imitate.
- The teacher can close the session by reciting the rhyme on parts of the body which was learnt earlier.
- The teacher shows the flashcards of parts of the body as a revision of the topic.
Activity Time: Playdough Faces
Materials required:
- Cardboard Face Templates
- Coloured Play dough- black and red
- One completed face
- Students can be divided into groups depending on the strength of the class.
- The teacher will need five plain face templates and one completed face.
- The teacher will pin/paste/tape the completed face on the bulletin/black board.
- Each group will be given the plain face template and play dough.
- Children use play dough to make the parts of the face and paste it on the template.
- The completed faces can be displayed on the bulletin board.
Key knowledge the child will acquire: The children in the class are able to identify and name different parts of their body.
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Activity – Playdough faces – Coming soon
ISL Video: Activity – Playdough faces – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 5
Language Game
Aim: Children learn the names of the parts of the body and some functions of those parts.
Materials required: Gaja masks
The teacher prepares the class by making the children stand in neat rows.
The teacher holds the Gaja Puppet in his/her hand.
The teacher has the list of instructions ready.
- Gaja says, “Clap your hands.”
- Gaja says, “Tap your feet.”
- Gaja says, “Lift your leg.”
- Close your eyes.
- Gaja says, “Open your eyes.”
- Gaja says, “Brush your teeth.”
- Comb your hair.
- Blink your eyes.
- Rotate your hand.
- Wash your face.
- Gaja says, “Cut your nails.”
- Gaja says, “Touch your head.”
The teacher gives the instructions and the children do the actions.
Suggested Variation:
- Children can be shown the demonstrative video with ISL and can be guided while the activity proceeds.
- After playing this game for a couple of times, the teacher may add a variation. The teacher can instruct the children that they should do the actions only if ‘Gaja says’.
She/He may give some instructions as Gaja says, “Clap your hands.” or Gaja says, “Close your eyes.” - Then,the teacher may say, “Tap your knees.” Some children may do the action without realising that the teacher did not use ‘Gaja says’.
- The teacher should point out this action and emphasize that they should do the action only if ‘Gaja says.’
- This activity helps the children to be more attentive to the instructions and improve their listening skills.
Note to the teacher:
Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of My Body topic’s detailed asset.
- The teacher makes sure that all the children get a chance to participate in this game.
- The teacher asks the children to listen to the instructions carefully.
- Children must play the game only when their name is called.
- Children should follow the instructions.
- For those who don’t do it correctly prompts can be given.
Key knowledge the child will acquire: The children in the class are able to identify and name different parts of the body.
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Gaja says – Coming soon
ISL Video: Gaja says – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Reading and Writing: Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’
Revision of Alphabets
Content: Writing on the sand and Various Games
Day 1
Writing on the sand Letter ‘I, i’
- The teacher must keep all the required materials ready.
- The teacher writes the letters ‘I, i’ on the blackboard. The teacher then says, “This is the letter ‘I’, and I say ‘i’.”
- The teacher may also show the alphabet flashcard by holding the flashcard in front of the students, the teacher will repeat, “I say ‘i’.”
- Then, the teacher overwrites the capital letter ‘I’ using different coloured chalk. This time, the teacher tells the students to watch her arm movements carefully and imitate writing the letter on their desk/floor.
- Then, the teacher shows the worksheet to the students saying, “Children today we will learn how to write the capital letter ‘I’.”
- The teacher must complete one worksheet in front of the students first, then, the teacher distributes the worksheets and crayons to all the students.
- The students will complete the worksheet as shown.
- Then, the teacher calls one student at a time to provide individual assistance in tracing the letter correctly on the sand tray.
- The teacher helps the student write the letter (capital letter) in the sand-tray by gently holding the student’s hand and guiding him/her to write with correct directionality. The teacher may repeat this one more time.
- The teacher repeats sand tracing with all the students by turns.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video
- Revise the letter sound
- Keep the required materials ready (1 sand tray, alphabet flashcard, worksheets and crayons).
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with the form of letter ‘I’ by writing on the sand and on the worksheet.
Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘I’ – Coming soon
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the activity in the class.
Video: Writing on the sand – Coming soon
Refer to RW Week 1 Day 5 Flashcards for the Learning Alphabet – Letter Ii
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ and ‘Activity’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 2
Writing on the sand Letter ‘N, n’
Refer to RW Week 3 Day 1 and follow the same procedure.
Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘N’ – Coming soon
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the activity in the class.
Video: Writing on the sand – Coming soon
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with the form of letter N by writing on the sand and on the worksheet.
Refer to RW Week 2 Day 1 Flashcards for the Learning Alphabet – Letter Nn
Day 3
Find the house game
- The teacher must keep all the required materials ready. (Coloured chalks, letter flashcards, worksheets)
- The teacher draws six squares or circles on the floor.
- Then the teacher writes (with chalk) one letter pair (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn) in each of the squares/circles, which will be introduced as houses.
- The teacher calls out 5-6 students to play the game first. These students stand in an assigned place until the game begins. Other students wait for their turn while watching their friends play.
- When the teacher calls out a letter, showing the corresponding flashcard, these children move about the room trying to locate that letter.
- Then the teacher calls out another letter, and all the children move to that letter.
- Then the teacher invites the next group of 5-6 students to play the game. This process can continue until all the students get the opportunity to play the game. The letters can be repeated multiple times to reinforce.
- Then the teacher distributes the worksheet and helps the students to complete the work as shown.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video prior to the session and learn how to conduct the game.
- Keep the required materials ready (1 sand Tray, Alphabet flashcard, Worksheets and crayons).
- Once the students become familiar with the letter, the teacher may try playing the game only by calling out the letters (without showing the flashcard).
- Playing this game with 5-6 children at a time will help the teacher observe which children are struggling to identify the letters.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will revise the letters (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn) and Match the Capital letter to the corresponding small letters.
Worksheet: Match the letter pair level 1 – Coming soon
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Find the house game– Coming soon
ISL Video: Find the house game– Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 4
Guess the letter game
- The teacher must keep all the required materials ready (flashcards, worksheets and crayons).
- Then the teacher writes the letters (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn) neatly on the blackboard.
- The teacher does a quick revision of the letters(Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn).
- When the game starts, one student is invited to come forward and stand next to the teacher.
- This student stands facing the blackboard and turns his back to the rest of the class.
- The teacher writes one letter (any one of CATPIN or catpin) on this student’s back, applying enough pressure for the students to feel the letter being traced.
- The student is asked to guess the letter. (the alphabets written on the blackboard may provide a visual cue to the student)
- If the student guesses the letter correctly, then another student is called to the front.
- If the student is not able to guess the letter, then the teacher writes the same letter on the student’s back once again, but this time the teacher tells the letter name/sound. The student will repeat.
- The teacher ensures that all the students get a chance to come forward to guess the letter.
- The teacher distributes the worksheet to the students.
- The teacher demonstrates how to fill in the worksheet.
- The students can complete the worksheet accordingly.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video prior to the session and learn how to conduct the game.
- Keep the required materials ready.
- While writing the letter on students’ backs, the teacher makes firm and clear finger movements with adequate pressure to help the students guess the letter form.
- If any student is not able to guess the letter, the teacher gives one more chance and helps the student guess the letter correctly.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will revise the Capital and Small letters (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn).
Worksheet: Match the letter pair 2 – Coming soon
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Guess the house game- Coming soon
ISL Video: Guess the house game- Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 5
Match the letter pairs
- The teacher will keep all the required materials ready. (Worksheets, Audio for letter rhymes)
- The teacher will write all the letters on the black board and revise the letter name and sounds.
- The teacher can play the audio of all letters (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn) rhyme.
- Then the teacher will distribute the worksheet to the students. The teacher can first show the sample, then students can complete the worksheet accordingly.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video prior.
- Keep the required materials ready.
- When singing the rhyme, ensure that children are saying the accurate sound for the letters.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will revise the letters (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn) and learn to match the Capital letters, small letters and the corresponding images.
Worksheet: Match the pair level 3 – Coming soon
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the same in the class.
Video: Match the level pair 3 – Coming soon
Audio: Letter rhyme for (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Li, Nn) – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Teacher Resource Document
Source and Attribution of images All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created. |
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation. |