My Body (Part 1) and Alphabet Group ‘CATPIN’
Week 4
Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.
The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.
Story telling, comprehension of the story, conversation and simple questions and answers, introduction of new sight words, ‘Fish the word game’ and colouring activity are planned for this week.
Listening and Speaking: My Body (Part 1)
Total Physical response/warm-up exercise (to be done before every session)
Note to the teacher:
Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of My Body topic’s detailed asset.
Refer to the given LTM Video Warm-Up Exercise given in Week 1, to conduct the above activity.
Refer to the ‘TPR/Warm up exercise’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 1
Story session can be done over a period of one week:
- The teacher shows the animated book of the story.
- The teacher tells the story in his/her own voice with the use of posters.
- The teacher can tell the story with pauses which can be filled with proper words by the children.
- The teacher can ask simple questions to check if the children have understood the story.
Note to the teacher:
- Before starting the story, the teacher may arrange the children in such a way that she/he may be able to maintain eye contact with all of them.
- Once the children are settled, they listen to the story ‘A happy body and a happy me’ being narrated by the teacher.
- The teacher can tell this story in the regional language. While narrating the story in the regional language, the teacher can add English words.
- As the story proceeds, the teacher can encourage the children to give the names of the parts of the body.
- The teacher can ask simple questions in English.
- Students can give the answers in one or two words (accept answers in the regional language).
- The teacher uses echo questions to check understanding.
- The teacher uses a rising tone at the end of the question when asking a question.
- The teacher asks some simple questions orally to check whether the children have understood the story.
- Children may respond as a group giving different points from the story.
- This will help all the children recall the sequence of the story.
- After some time, the teacher will say, “Whoever wants to answer will raise his/her hand and I will ask you turn by turn.”
Story: A happy body and a happy me
Alex was fast asleep. He heard a voice in his dream.
The voice said, “I am the best.”
He asked, looking around, “Who is it?” The voice answered, “I am your ears.”
Then, he heard another voice, “Hey, I am the best.” It was the eyes. Then, the mouth said, “I am the best.”
Now, Alex got confused. He said, “Today, my teacher told us that all parts of our body are important.”
But, hands and legs shouted loudly, “No, no, no…we are the best.”
Alex woke up from his sleep.
Next morning, Alex asked his mother, “Ma, tell me which part of my body is the best.”
Then, his mother said, “Look Alex, all parts in our body are good, equally important and they help us in different ways. When one of them does not work, we have some difficulty in functioning. So, take equal care of all parts of the body.”
Story: Storybook ‘A happy body and a happy me’ – Coming soon
Audio: Storybook ‘A happy body and a happy me’- Coming soon
Click and watch the animated storybook. This animated storybook is to be shown to the children in the class. For the children with low vision the Audio Book can be played. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Storybook ‘A happy body and a happy me’- Coming soon
ISL Video: Storybook ‘A happy body and a happy me’- Coming soon
The teacher shows the animated book of the story and makes the children familiar with the characters in the story.
Key knowledge the child will acquire: Children learn the importance of the parts of the body and to narrate the story.
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 2
The teacher narrates the story with the use of posters in his/her own voice in English.
Then, he/she translates it to a regional language, to catch the attention and interest of the children. The teacher can narrate the story with proper voice modulation.
The teacher may use the animated storybook and audio storybook as aids.
Refer to the given Animated Storybook and Audio Book (Week 4 Day 1) .
Day 3
The teacher can tell the story line by line in English and explain the importance of parts of the body.
Children listen with comprehension when the story is told.
Refer to the given Animated Storybook and Audio Book (Week 4 Day 1)
Day 4
Note to the teacher:
Fill in the blanks with words from the story: (The children will answer orally.)
- Alex was fast ___________.
Ans. asleep - The voice in the ___________ said, ‘I am the best’.
Ans. dream - All parts of the body are important, said the _____________.
Ans. teacher
Simple Questions:
- What did Alex hear when he was asleep?
Ans. He heard a voice. - Which parts of the body said loudly, “No no no, we are the best?”
Ans. Hands and legs. - What did Alex ask his mother in the morning?
Ans. Alex asked, “Which part of my body is the best?” - What do we learn from the story?
Ans. We should take equal care of all parts of our body.
Day 5
Activity time: Build a Story
- The teacher can have story cards of the given story and make the children build the story.
- The teacher keeps the pictures in a basket. He/ She asks the children to pick up any picture card and talk about the part/parts of the body in the picture card.
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Reading and Writing:
Content – Word Family (ap, an, in) and Sight words
Day 1
Introducing word family (ap)
The teacher must keep all the below given required materials ready:
- Word Family picture flashcards
- Letter flashcards
- Two baskets
- Colouring worksheets and crayons.
- The teacher informs the students that they are going to read some words.
- The teacher shows the picture flashcard of ‘cap’.
- Then, one student holds the ‘cap’ picture flashcard in front of the class.
- The teacher shows the word-family flashcard ‘ap’, saying ‘ap’. The students repeat.
- One more student holds the ‘ap’ flashcard in front of the class.
- Next, the teacher shows the letter flashcard ‘c’, then calls one more student in front to hold the flashcard.
- Then, the teacher brings the students holding the ‘c’ flashcards and ‘ap’ flashcards close together, forming the word ‘cap’.
- The teacher reads c _ ap, ‘cap’, emphasising the sound clearly.
- Now, the same procedure can be repeated to form and read the word ‘tap’.
- The student holding the ‘c’ flashcard returns to his/her place, and the teacher calls another student to hold the letter flashcard ‘t’ to form the word ‘tap’.
- The teacher repeats this procedure many times since all the children eagerly wait for their turn to come forward and hold the flashcards. Also, repetition helps reinforce reading.
- Then, the teacher distributes the colouring worksheet (cap and tap).
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video prior to the session to learn how to conduct the session.
- Keep the required materials ready.
- Introduce the word family first, then the initial letter.
- Keep the child holding the ‘word family flashcard’ constant and change only the ones holding the initial letters, this will help children visually see the word family as constant.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will be introduced to a few word families, and reading of simple three letter words.
Flashcards: Word family ‘ap’ – Coming soon
Worksheet: Word family colouring – Coming soon
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the same in the class.
Video: I can read word family – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 2
Introducing word family (an)
Procedure: Repeat the same procedure as week 4 day 1
Flashcards: Word family ‘an’- Coming soon
Worksheet: Word family colouring – Coming soon
Day 3
Introducing word family (in)
Procedure: Repeat the same procedure as week 4 day 1
Flashcards: Word family ‘in’- Coming soon
Worksheet: Word family colouring – Coming soon
Day 4
Revision – Fish the word game
Content – cap/tap, can/pan, tin/pin
- It is important to keep all the required materials ready for a smooth conduct of the session.
- Materials required-
- A set of picture flashcards: cap/tap, can/pan, tin/pin
- 3 sets of letters (multiple copies of c, t, p, n, ap, an, in) with metal pins attached to each one). It can be handwritten.
- 3 Fishing rods made of magnets for catching these cards (one for each group)
- 3 mats
- 3 writing pads (one for each group)
- The teacher must watch the LTM video and learn how to conduct this activity.
- The teacher neatly arranges the writing pad and the letter cards – c, t, p, n, ap, an, in (with metal clips) in front of her on a mat. (She calls this mat, “A Pond with Letter Fishes”.)
- The teacher shows the picture flashcard of a ‘cap’ and reads the word ‘c_ap’, pointing correctly to the corresponding letters. Students will repeat ‘c_ap’ ‘cap’, imitating the teacher, (repeat this reading process two times).
- Then the teacher takes the magnetic fishing rod, and first picks up the ‘word family’ card ‘ap’ and places it on the writing pad.
- Next, the teacher picks the letter ‘c’ and places it on the writing pad forming the word ‘cap’. The teacher reads it as ‘c_ap- cap’.
- Next, the teacher shows the picture flashcard of the word ‘tap’ and repeats the same process.
- Then the teacher gives one mat, one set of letters (ap, in, an, c, t, p, n), a fishing rod and a writing pad to each of the 3 groups of students.
- The teacher gives either one set of picture flashcards: {(cap/tap), (can/pan), (tin/pin)} to each of the 3 groups, and asks the children to play the game as demonstrated.
- All students take turns to form one/two words each by following the procedure as demonstrated by the teacher.
- Each group first forms only the words given to them. If the time permits, the teacher can exchange the picture flashcards and the students can continue to play the fishing game as demonstrated.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video prior to the session to learn how to conduct the session.
- Keep the required materials ready.
- Introduce the word family first, then the initial letter.
- Allow children to work in the group, make mistakes and learn through trial and error.
- If any child has difficulties using the fishing rod to catch the letter, then a magnet can be used directly by hand.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with word families, and how to read simple three letter words.
Flashcards: Word family ‘in’ – Coming soon
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: I can read word family – Coming soon
ISL Video: I can read word family – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 5
Introducing of sight words
Content – my, this, is, a
Materials required:
- Sight word flashcards – This, is, a, my.
- One basket
- Napkin or handkerchief to cover the basket.
- The teacher must keep the required materials ready.
- The teacher must watch the LTM video and learn the process of introducing sight words.
- The teacher places the ‘sight-word cards’ in a basket which is covered with a handkerchief, so that the students can not see what is inside the basket.
- The teacher starts the class by saying, “Children, we are going to learn some new words today.”
- The teacher slides her hand into the basket (basket is covered by a handkerchief) and pulls out a flashcard of any one sight-word, for example, ‘my’.
- The teacher calls out ‘my’ pointing to the word, and the students repeat, ‘my’. The teacher repeats this process two more times.
- Following the same process, the remaining three words ‘this’, ‘is’, and ‘a’ can be introduced.
- While introducing ‘a’, the students may say the letter-name ‘a’. The teacher explains to the students that while reading English, whenever they see the letter ‘a’ sitting alone, they have to read it as ‘auh’.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video prior to the session to learn how to introduce sight words.
- Keep the required materials ready.
- Covering the basket adds an element of ‘surprise’ and the students participate with more interest.
- As a follow up activity, the teacher can play “find the house game”, using these four sight-words.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with a few sight words.
Flashcards: Sight words – Coming soon
Video: Introducing sight words – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Teacher Resource Document
Source and Attribution of images All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created. |
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation. |