My Body (Part 1) and Alphabet Group ‘CATPIN’
Week 2
Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.
The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.
The topic/concept ‘My Body’ will be reinforced with some additional information about parts of the body. This will be done through conversation, questions and answers, fun activities, interesting games and learning alphabets.
Listening and Speaking: My Body (Part 1)
Total Physical response (to be done before every session)
Note to the teacher:
Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of My Body topic’s detailed asset.
Refer to the given LTM Video Warm Up Exercise given in Week 1, to conduct the above activity.
Refer to the ‘TPR/Warm up exercise’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 1
Main Concept: Know the parts of the body
Note to the teacher:
Once all the children are quiet and settled, the teacher starts showing the flashcards of different parts of the body one at a time. The teacher asks children to notice the different parts carefully.
Parts of the face:
- The teacher will show the flashcards (one card at a time).
- The teacher can position the flashcards on the outline of the face and make the children identify the different parts of the face.
- The teacher shows the flashcard of eyes and says, “eyes”.
- Children will repeat- ‘eyes’.
- Then, the teacher will touch his/her eyes and say, “These are my eyes.”
- Children will touch their eyes and repeat- ‘My eyes’
Parts of the face that can be discussed in the class are listed for reference:
- This is my nose.
- These are my ears.
- This is my mouth.
- These are my teeth.
Post teaching activity –
The teacher makes the children do some actions:
- The teacher asks children to point to the nose and pinch it.
- The teacher asks the children to blink their eyes.
- The teacher asks children to touch their ears and pull it two times.
- Teacher will demonstrate a yawn and ask the children to imitate the yawn.
Refer to the Flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.
Poster: Parts of the face – Coming soon
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Video: Knowing the parts of the face – Coming soon
ISL Video: Knowing the parts of the face – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 2
The teacher revises the parts of the body done on Day 1 and introduces new ones.
- The teacher shows the flashcard of chin to the and says, “chin”.
- Children will repeat – ‘chin’.
- Then, the teacher says, “This is my chin.”
- Children will say, “My chin” touching their chin.
- Similarly, the teacher will repeat the process with other parts of the body.
- These are my cheeks.
- This is my face.
- This is my head.
Post teaching activity: (Identify and pick the correct part of the body and place it in the given outline)
- The teacher divides the class into groups.
- The teacher draws an outline of a face on the board.
- The teacher calls out one student from group A to fix the eyes.
- The next student from the same group gets his/her turn to fix the nose.
- In the same manner, every student gets a chance to fix a part of the face.
- The same procedure is repeated with the other groups too.
- The teacher makes sure that all the children participate in this activity.
Refer to the poster and video of the face, given in LS Week 2 Day 1 and the flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.
Day 3
Activity time: Make a face mask
Note to the teacher:
The teacher will ask children to bring the following to make a face mask the previous day.
Materials needed:
- Paper plates
- Crayons
- Scissors
- Glue sticks
- Strings or thread
- Take the paper plate and keep it on the table.
- Children can draw eyes, mouth and other parts of the face looking at the poster in a creative way.
- Children can cut out eye holes with the scissors.
- Strings/thread can be attached by punching small holes on both sides.
Note to the teacher:
Steps 3 and 4 can be done with the help of the teacher or any other assistant available during the activity.
Refer to the Poster of the face, given in LS Week 2 Day 1 and the Flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the activity during the class.
Video: Make a Face Mask – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 4
Game time: Parts of the body
- Get children to sit on the floor, facing the front of the class.
- Give out multiple flashcards of the parts of the body, so that each student has at least one card (even better is for each student to have two cards).
- The teacher calls out a random flashcard word (e.g. ‘ears’) with an action (e.g. ‘ears – pull your ears!’).
- All students with the ‘ears’ flashcards have to do that action.
- Continue with other words and different actions.
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the activity during the class.
Video: Game time – Parts of the body – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 5
The teacher revises the lessons done on Day 1, 2 and 3 and introduces the other parts of the body.
- The teacher shows a flashcard of the neck and says, ‘neck’.
- Children will repeat the word ‘neck’.
- Then, the teacher points to his/her neck and says, “This is my neck.”
- The children imitate.
- Similarly, the teacher will repeat the process for the other parts of the body.
- This is my shoulder.
- This is my arm.
- This is my elbow
- This is my wrist.
Post teaching activity:
The teacher gives instructions and the students listen and do the actions.
- Move your head from left to right.
- Roll your shoulders.
- Move your wrist up and down.
- Open and close your fingers.
- Bend your arm at the elbow.
If a student has difficulty following the instructions, the teacher can demonstrate the action.
Refer to the poster of the face, given in LS Week 2 Day 1 and the flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Reading and Writing: Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’
Learning the alphabet Nn.
Revision of (Cc, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, Nn)
Day 1
Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘N, n’
- The teacher writes the letters ‘N, n’ on the board (write both capital and small letters). The teacher then says, “This is the letter ‘N’ and its sound is ‘n’”. Repeat twice.
- The teacher shows the students the flashcard of the letter ‘N, n’ and reads the word Nut, “This is a Nut”. Repeat twice stressing on the sound ‘N’ (N) in ‘Nut’.
- Now, with an outstretched arm, the teacher traces the letter on the board, following the directionality of the letter, saying ‘N’ says ‘n’.
- Following the teacher’s arm movements, the students imitate tracing the letter in the air. While tracing the letter, the students can repeat- ‘N’ says ‘n’.
- The teacher repeats the same process with the small letter ‘n’.
- The teacher sings a simple rhyme to reinforce the sound. Students learn the rhyme by repeating it with the teacher.
Note to the teacher: The teacher must listen to the audio file attached and learn the rhyme.
N says ‘n’,
N says ‘n’,
n for nut and
n for nose.
- The teacher distributes the worksheet – Learning alphabets – to the students.
- The teacher completes one worksheet in front of the students and then asks the students to repeat the process.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the given video
- Learn the letter sound
- Learn the letter rhyme by listening to the audio file provided
- Keep the required materials ready. Letter ‘N, n’ flashcard, colouring worksheets, audio file of the letter rhyme.
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with capital and small letter N, its form and sound.
Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘N, n’ – Coming soon
Worksheet: Learning the alphabet – ‘N, n’ – Coming soon
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the same in the class.
Video: Learning the alphabet ‘N, n’ – Coming soon
Audio: Letter rhyme – ‘N’- Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Revision of Alphabet
Content: Writing on the sand
Day 2
Writing on sand Letter ‘C, c’
- The teacher must keep all the required materials ready
- The teacher writes the letters ‘C, c’ on the blackboard. The teacher then says, “This is letter ‘C’, and ‘C’ says ‘k’”.
- The teacher may also show the alphabet flashcard by holding the flashcard in front of the students, the teacher says, “‘C’ says ‘k’”.
- Then, the teacher overwrites the capital letter C using different coloured chalks. This time, the teacher tells the students to watch her arm movements carefully and imitate writing the letter on their desk/floor.
- Then, the teacher shows the worksheet to the students saying, “Children today we will learn how to write the capital letter C”.
- The teacher must complete one worksheet in front of the students first, then, the teacher distributes the worksheets and crayons to all the students.
- The students will complete the worksheet as shown.
- Then, the teacher calls one student at a time to provide individual assistance in tracing the letter correctly in the sand tray.
- The teacher helps the student write the letter (capital letter) in the sand-tray by gently holding the student’s hand and guiding him/her to write with correct directionality. The teacher may repeat this one more time.
- The teacher repeats sand tracing with all the students by turns.
Note to the teacher:
- Watch the LTM video
- Revise the Letter Sound
- Keep the required materials ready (1 sand Tray, Alphabet flashcard, Worksheets and crayons).
Key skill/knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with the form of letter C by writing on the sand and on the worksheet.
Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘C, c’ – Coming soon
Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘C’ – Coming soon
Video: Writing on the sand – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 3
Writing on the sand Letter ‘A, a’
Follow the same procedure as day 2 of week 2.
Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘A, a’ – Coming soon
Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘A’- Coming soon
Video: Writing on the sand – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 4
Writing on the sand Letter ‘T, t’
Follow the same procedure as day 2 of week 2.
Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘T, t’ – Coming soon
Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘T’ – Coming soon
Video: Writing on the sand – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 5
Writing on the sand Letter ‘P, p’
Follow the same procedure as day 2 of week 2.
Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘P, p’ – Coming soon
Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘P’ – Coming soon
Video: Writing on the sand – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Teacher Resource Document
Source and Attribution of images All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created. |
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation. |