My Body (Part 1) and Alphabet Group ‘CATPIN’

Week 2

Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.


Note to the teacher: 
Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of My Body  topic’s detailed asset.

Day 1

Parts of the face: 

Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).

Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation and strategies given in the Main page of ‘My Body (part 1) and Alphabet group ‘CATPIN’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.

Day 2


Refer to the poster and video of the face, given in LS Week 2 Day 1 and the flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.

Day 3

Activity time: Make a face mask 

Materials needed: 

Video: Game time – Parts of the body – Coming soon

Day 5

If a student has difficulty following the instructions, the teacher can demonstrate the action.

Refer to the poster of the face, given in LS Week 2 Day 1 and the flashcards of the parts of the body, given in LS Week 1 Day 5, to conduct the above activity.

Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘N, n’ – Coming soon

Worksheet: Learning the alphabet – ‘N, n’ – Coming soon

Video: Learning the alphabet ‘N, n’ – Coming soon

Audio: Letter rhyme – ‘N’- Coming soon

Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘C, c’ – Coming soon

Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘C’ – Coming soon

Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘A, a’ – Coming soon

Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘A’- Coming soon

Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘T, t’ – Coming soon

Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘T’ – Coming soon

Flashcard: Learning the alphabet – the letter ‘P, p’ – Coming soon

Worksheet: Writing on the sand/tracing letter ‘P’ – Coming soon

Source and Attribution of images
All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created.
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation.