Class 1


Week 1

Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.

The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.
The topic /concept will be introduced through rhyme, conversation, questions and answers, fun activities, colouring and reading key words.

Daily: Total Physical response/warm-up exercise (to be done before every session)

Aim: To enable the children to understand the given commands and respond correctly. 

Action Time (Commands):

  1. Lift your right leg
  2. Lift your left leg
  3. Lift your right arm
  4. Lift your left arm
  5. Walk two steps forward
  6. Walk two steps backward
  7. Stand straight

The activity proceeds as follows: –

Step 1:

  • The teacher first gives the commands (Lift your right leg, lift your left leg, lift your right arm, lift your left arm, walk two steps forward, walk two steps backward, stand straight) as he/she demonstrates and the children listen.
  • Next, the teacher gives the commands and the children perform the actions.

Step 2:

  • Divide the class into small groups.
  • Choose one child from these volunteers and ask him/her to conduct the activity (select children who are willing to give the commands).
  •  This student gives the commands and other children listen and do the actions.
  • This student volunteer returns to his/her position.
  • Conduct the activity with another student volunteer in the same manner.

Step 3:

  • The teacher gives the commands and all the children listen and do the actions.

Note to the teacher: 

  1. The teacher starts the class by wishing the children ‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon’ and ensures that they repeat the greetings.
  2. The teacher begins each class with this activity. 
  3. The teacher gives clear instructions at the beginning of the class.
  4. Ensure adequate space in the classroom for the children to move to do the activity comfortably. 
  5. The teacher can slow down the commands for children who find it difficult to keep pace.

Video: Warm up Exercise (Coming Soon)

ISL Video: Warm up Exercise (Coming Soon)

Day 1


Note to the teacher:

The teacher begins the class by revising the previous lesson about the importance of fruits in our daily life. The teacher will, then, explain that in the next few weeks they will learn more about the plant family that gives vegetables. Both vegetables and fruits keep our body healthy and strong.
The teacher can help the children learn the rhyme by showing the poster and reading the rhyme line by line and explaining it. The teacher also plays the audio of the rhyme and recites the rhyme.


  1. The teacher will sit along with the children in semi-circles.
  2. The teacher begins the class by saying, ‘Let us learn to recite the rhyme ‘Veggie wonder’.

Content of the rhyme: Veggie Wonder

In a garden, oh, what a sight,
Veggies grow, green and bright.
Carrots, peas and cabbage too,
Eating them is good for you!
Veggies make you strong and healthy.
They are so crunchy and munchy.
On your plate, make them a part,
Veggies are good for your heart!

Follow-up activity for the Rhyme:
The teacher may show a picture of a Vegetable Market (Bazaar) and ask students to observe and answer the following questions. The teacher is free to use any illustration of a vegetable market of their choice (from various sources such as newspapers, books, magazines, etc): 

  1. Have you ever been to a vegetable market? What is it called in your local language?
    Possible Answer: Yes, A market/ Santha /Bazaar. (Teacher may accept answers from students in their local language)
  2. Why do people go to a vegetable market?
    Possible Answer: To buy/sell vegetables.
  3. Can you name some vegetables that you eat daily?
    Possible Answer: Onions, potatoes, chillies, cabbage, cucumber (Teacher may accept answers in their local language)

Note to the teacher:

  1. The children sit in three semi-circles.
  2. The teacher will keep flash cards of the vegetables ready.
  3. The teacher shows the poster of the rhyme.
  4. The teacher shows the flashcards of carrot, peas, cabbage as shown in the rhyme poster and says the names. The children observe and listen keenly.
  5. The teacher recites the rhyme a couple of times, plays the audio and encourages the children to recite it along.

Poster of the Rhyme: Veggie Wonder (Coming soon)

Audio of the Rhyme: Veggie Wonder (Coming soon)

Day 2

The teacher makes the children learn the rhyme line by line.

Refer to the Poster & Audio of the Rhyme from the given Digital Assets in ‘Vegetables’ Week 1 Day 1.

Day 3

The teacher can continue this process until all the children are able to recite the rhyme confidently.

Refer to the Poster & Audio of the Rhyme from the given Digital Assets in ‘Vegetables’ Week 1 Day 1.

Day 4

Conversation Circle – Know Your Vegetables
(to be done in one/two sessions depending on number of children in the class)

The teacher will sit along with the students in a circle to conduct the session.

  1. Why should we eat vegetables?
    Possible answer: It will make us healthy/strong.
  2. Name any two vegetables you love to eat.
    Possible answer: Potato and carrot (varied response).
  3. Which is your favourite vegetable? Why?
    Possible answer: Potato. It’s tasty, and yummy (varied response).
  4. Where do we buy vegetables?
    Possible answer: We buy vegetables from the market/vegetable vendor (varied response).


Step 1: The teacher introduces the first question by showing a picture of a basket with different vegetables.      

Why should we eat vegetables? (It will make us healthy/strong)
Then, the teacher asks the child sitting next to him/her ‘Why should we eat vegetables?’
The child possibly responds, ‘It will make us healthy/strong.’ Then, the teacher will ask the child sitting next to him or her, ‘Why should we eat vegetables?’ and the conversation continues until all the children are asked and they respond.

Step 2. The teacher introduces the next question: Name two vegetables you love to eat.

Potato and carrot
Then, the teacher asks the child sitting next to him/her, “Name any two vegetables you love to eat.”
The child might respond, “Potato and………” (student can give the name of any vegetable they like)  Now the teacher will ask the child sitting next to him/her,  “Name any two vegetables you love to eat.” and the conversation continues until all the children have been asked and they respond. 

Step 3. The teacher introduces the next question: Which is your favourite vegetable? Why?

Possible answer – Potato. It is tasty and yummy.
Then, the teacher asks the child sitting next to him/her, “Which is your favourite vegetable? Why?” The child might say, “Potato. It is tasty and yummy.” (Students can name any vegetable they like) Now the teacher will ask the child sitting next to him or her, “Which is your favourite vegetable? Why?”  and the conversation continues until all the children have been asked and they respond.

Step 4. The teacher introduces the next question: Where do we buy vegetables?

Possible answer- We buy vegetables from the market.
Then, the teacher asks the child sitting next to him/her, “Where do we buy vegetables?” 
The child responds, “We buy vegetables from the market (can say it in the local language).”  Now the teacher will ask the child sitting next to him or her, “Where do we buy vegetables?” and the conversation continues until all the children have been asked and they respond.

Note to the teacher:

  • The circle time continues till all get a chance to respond.     
  • If a student doesn’t know the answer the teacher can prompt by giving some cues from their day to day life experience.
  • All students are encouraged to participate and name the vegetables in English.
  • There should be no chorus answers.
  • Students can say the names of vegetables in their local language.
  • Example – Potato is also known as Aloo in Hindi. (But encourage students to learn the names in English)

Video: Conversation Circle ‘Know your vegetables’ (Coming soon)

ISL Video: Conversation Circle ‘Know your vegetables’ (Coming soon)

Day 5

Main Concept

The teacher divides the topic of vegetables into three categories- Common, Root and Leaf (making sure the three categories are given two weeks to learn in detail).


  • The teacher discusses what the children eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner.
  • The teacher explains briefly that they are going to learn the names of different vegetables in the next few days.
  • The teacher starts showing one vegetable flashcard at a time.

The teacher can discuss the colour, size, shape of the vegetables by showing the flashcards and fresh vegetables.

Note to the teacher: 

  1. The teacher keeps the necessary flashcards and fresh required vegetables ready in a basket.
    • Common Vegetables- tomato, beans, lady’s finger, brinjal, potato, peas, cucumber, pumpkin, drumstick.
    • Root vegetables- carrot, radish, onion, beetroot.
    • Leafy vegetables- cabbage, palak/spinach, coriander, cauliflower.
  2. The teacher makes the children come near the table to see and hold the vegetables in their hands. They may also tell the colour of the vegetables.
  3. The teacher may tell the children that some vegetables are grown on the plant above the ground, a few under the ground and a few we eat as leaves (a few samples of readily available plants in the neighbourhood can be used).

Flashcards: Vegetable names – Coming soon

Video: Main Concept ‘Vegetables’ – Coming soon

Source and Attribution of images
All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created.
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation.