Week 3
Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.
The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.
The topic/concept ‘Vegetables’ will be reinforced with some additional information about health benefits of eating vegetables.
Language games like finding the missing vegetables, and experiential learning like pretend play of vegetable market scene and making cucumber delight, passing the parcel and learning human value song, naming words, blend words are planned for the week to make learning enjoyable.
Listening and Speaking
Total Physical response/warm-up exercise (to be done before every session)
Note to the teacher:
Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of the topic’s detailed asset.
Suggested variation – Once the children are familiar and at ease with the exercises (which has been done for the past two weeks), the following variations can be made to make the exercises interesting and topic-related. The teacher can show the flashcard of the vegetables as they do the warm up exercises and the children will say the name of the vegetable aloud.
Example: As the teacher gives the command ‘Lift your right leg’ he/she can show the flashcard of a carrot. The children will lift the right leg and say ‘Carrot’ aloud. The teacher can use another flashcard for the next command.
1. Lift your right leg
2. Lift your left leg
3. Lift your right arm
4. Lift your left arm
5. Walk two steps forward
6. Walk two steps backward
7. Stand straight
Refer to the given LTM Video Warm-Up Exercise given in Week 1, to conduct the above activity.
Refer to the flashcard ‘Vegetable names’ given in Week 1 Day 5.
Refer to the ‘TPR/Warm up exercise’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 1
Main Concept – Revision and Closing Session:
The teacher may revise all the vegetable names and related concepts done in the previous week.
Note to the teacher:
- The teacher can explain how vegetables are good for a healthy body.
- The teacher can close the session by reciting the rhyme on vegetables learnt in the earlier class.
- The teacher shows the flashcards of vegetables as a revision of the topic.
Home Assignment:
- Students will talk to their family members and discuss the vegetables they like.
- Students will make a one-week menu card from the vegetables/fruits that they bring in their lunch boxes.
Key knowledge the child will acquire: The children in the class are able to identify and name different vegetables.
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 2
Language Game
Aim: Children learn the names of vegetables.
- The teacher keeps the necessary fresh vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, brinjal, beans, carrot) ready.
- The teacher places all the vegetables in a line on the teacher’s desk.
Activity 1 – The Missing Vegetable
- Children sit in their respective seats or around the teacher’s table.
- The teacher stands in front or sits along with the children.
- The teacher says “Close your eyes” and gets everyone to cover and close their eyes.
- The teacher takes away one of the vegetables and hides it behind his/her back.
- The teacher asks everyone to open their eyes and shout out the missing vegetable.
- The teacher may repeat the game by hiding a different vegetable each time.
- The game is played until all the missing vegetables are identified.
Activity 2 – Blindfold Game
- The teacher can blindfold and model the activity.
- Put on the blindfold then touch and feel one of the vegetables.
- Look confused and say the wrong word (e.g. touch a cabbage and say “Is it a carrot?”).
- Get the students to help you until you guess correctly.
- Then blindfold one student, and help him/her to touch/feel one vegetable and say what it is.
- The game is played until all of the vegetable names have been practiced.
Note to the teacher:
- The above given two activities can be played on two different days.
- The teacher makes sure that all children get a chance to participate in these games.
- Children can be guided by a peer or the teacher while the activity proceeds if anyone faces any challenge.
- Ask the children to listen to the instructions carefully.
- They must play the game only when their name is called.
- Children should follow the instructions.
- For those who don’t do it correctly prompts can be given.
Key knowledge the child will acquire: The children in the class are able to identify and name different vegetables.
Click and watch the videos. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the same during the class.
Video: The missing vegetable – Coming soon
ISL Video: The missing vegetable – Coming soon
Video: Blindfold game – Coming soon
ISL Video: Blindfold game – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 3
Experiential Learning ‘At the market’ (sight and smell)
Children can be given some experiential learning about vegetables through a ‘Pretend Play of Vegetable Market Scene’ and learn through their senses of sight and smell.
Note to the teacher:
- A sensorial activity to recognise green vegetables through the sense of sight, touch and smell.
- The teacher can include fresh vegetables available in the local market.
- The teacher sets up a market scene in the classroom to enable children to see, smell and touch the vegetables and discuss the same.
The teacher can arrange the classroom with the help of two other teachers and students:
- Arrange benches in a row.
- Keep baskets ready with fresh vegetables.
- Have small slips with the cost of vegetables placed in front of each basket.
- Place an electronic balance to weigh vegetables.
- Helping/assisting teachers can act as vegetable vendors.
- Children can go one by one to the vegetable vendors and ask for the cost of the vegetable and act as if they are buying.
- They can give slips of paper as money for buying vegetables.
- The teacher can also ask the children to smell the different vegetables and make them observe the difference.
Materials required: Fresh vegetables, tables, baskets, white cloth, electronic balance
Click and watch the video. This video is to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the activity in the class.
Video: Experiential Learning – Part 1 – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 4
Experiential Learning ‘Making of Cucumber Delight’ (taste and touch)
Children can feel the texture of vegetables, to know if they are- hard, soft, rough, smooth, with peel/ without peel and also taste the vegetables to find out if the vegetables are- juicy, fleshy, crunchy and whether they are with seeds/without seeds.
Note to the teacher:
The teacher makes the children touch and taste the vegetables. The teacher cuts the washed vegetables (carrot and tomato) and makes the children eat and discuss the taste. The teacher also discusses with the children about the texture of the vegetables.
Making of Cucumber Delight: The teacher can also prepare cucumber delight and make children taste the crunchy vegetable.
Cucumber delight Ingredients –
- Cucumber
- Cheese /paneer
- Wash the cucumber and peel.
- Slice it in thin layers lengthwise (top to bottom).
- Grate the cheese.
- Spread grated cheese/paneer on the cucumber slice. (Any other filling of your choice can be used)
- Add salt to taste.
- Roll the slice carefully and pierce a toothpick to secure the roll.
- A cucumber delight is ready!
Materials required: Fresh Vegetables, cucumber, cheese, salt to taste, tooth pick
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 5
Human value song – Colourful Vegetable Garden
Children can learn and sing this human value song by showing the poster, and playing audio and video. The teacher may discuss the human value in the song and drive home the importance of eating vegetables every day to keep the body strong and healthy.
In the garden, oh, so green,
A colourful world, never seen.
Veggies, veggies come along,
In our tummies, make us strong.
From the ground, you grow tall,
Carrot, cucumber, we love them all.
Veggies, veggies come along,
In our tummies, make us strong.
- The teacher will show the value song video.
- The teacher will play audio of the value song. The children will repeat the song.
- The teacher may explain the importance of eating vegetables every day for keeping their body strong and healthy.
Click and watch the videos. These videos are to be shown to children during the activity. When there are children with hearing impairment in the inclusive class, use the video with Indian Sign Language (ISL).
Poster: Colourful vegetable garden – Coming soon
Audio: Colourful vegetable garden – Coming soon
Video: Colourful vegetable garden – Coming soon
ISL Video: Colourful vegetable garden – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Reading and Writing
Day 1
Introduce the Vegetable Name – Spinach and Peas
- Continue following the same procedure as Day 1 of week 2.
- When the students are seated comfortably in their places, the teacher explains that they are going to read the names of the vegetables and their colours.
- The teacher will show the flash card of one vegetable first, and read the word (example: Spinach). Students will repeat.
- The teacher tells the vegetable name in the regional language too.
- Then, the teacher will introduce the next vegetable (Peas), following the same process.
- The teacher will show one completed worksheet and distribute the colouring worksheet of Spinach and Peas.
Worksheets: Colour Spinach and Peas – Coming soon
Refer to the RW Week 2 Day 1 video on ‘Introduce vegetable names’
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ & ‘Colour within the boundaries’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 2
Play ‘Passing the Parcel’ game with Vegetable names written on the box
Content: Vegetables – Radish, Potato, Drumstick, Peas, Spinach, Pumpkin
Preparation of Activity:
- A large box or package wrapped in colourful paper with one vegetable name written on each layer. (radish, potato, drumstick, peas, spinach, pumpkin)
- Vegetable flashcards.
- A small bell to ring for starting and stopping of passing the parcel.
- The teacher makes the students sit in a circle. The teacher also sits in the circle.
- The teacher begins by revising the vegetable names by showing the flashcards of vegetables.
- The teacher will introduce the game “passing the parcel” and explain the rules.
- The teacher must show the wrapped parcel to the students and explain that there are layers of paper covering the box, and each layer has a vegetable name on it.
- When the teacher starts to ring the bell, the students will pass the parcel around the circle. When the teacher stops ringing the bell, the student holding the parcel must unwrap one layer of paper.
- The student reads out the name of the vegetable written on it.
- The game continues.
- Continue playing until all layers are unwrapped and all vegetable names are revealed.
- The teacher can then distribute the worksheet to match the vegetables with their names.
Refer to the ‘Activity’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 3
Worksheet: Revision – Trace the Vegetables Names – Worksheet 1
- The teacher will show the flashcard and revise these vegetable names one more time.
- Then the teacher will distribute the worksheet and the students will complete the worksheet as shown.
Worksheets: Trace the Vegetable names, Worksheet 1 – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Day 4
Worksheet: Revision – Trace the Vegetables Names – Worksheet 2
- The teacher will show the flashcards and revise the vegetable names one more time.
- Then, the teacher will distribute the worksheet and the students will complete the worksheet as shown.
Worksheets: Trace the Vegetable names, Worksheet 2 – Coming soon
Key knowledge the child will acquire: Students will identify and/or read a few vegetable names.
Day 5
Learning Blend Words
- The teacher will show the flashcard of drumstick, peas and spinach and ask the students, “What colour are these vegetables?“
- The students may answer, “Green”.
- The teacher writes ‘green’ on the blackboard and reads it. Students will repeat.
- The teacher will underline ‘gr’ and tell the sound. Then, emphasising the sound ‘Grrr’ – the teacher will read the word ‘green’.
- The students will repeat.
- Then the teacher will write ‘gr’ in big, bold letters on the blackboard.
- Pointing to ‘g’, the teacher will ask, “Children, what letter is this? What sound does it make?”
- The students may respond. If not, the teacher can help.
- Then, the teacher will point to ‘r’ and follow the same process.
- The teacher explains that when we join these two sounds, g and r, we have to say ‘Grrrr’.
- The students have fun making the ‘grrr’ sound.
- Once the students settle down, the teacher writes ‘dr’ on the board. The teacher says ‘dr’ and the students will repeat.
- The teacher can ask, “Which vegetable name starts with the sound ‘dr’?” Students may say ‘drumstick.’ If not, the teacher may help by showing the flashcard.
- The teacher can ask, “What colour is the drumstick?”
- The students may say ‘Green.’
- The teacher can ask, “Where does the drumstick grow?”
- The teacher can write ‘drumstick grows on a tree’. Then, the teacher can underline the word ‘tree’.
- The teacher writes the words ‘green’, ‘drumstick’, and ‘tree’ on the blackboard.
- The teacher can distribute the worksheet, ‘The green drumstick tree’.
Key knowledge the child will acquire: Students will become familiar with the blend sounds – dr, gr, tr.
Worksheets: The green drumstick tree – Coming soon
Click and watch the video. These videos are to be viewed by the teachers before the activity to understand how to conduct the same during the class.
Video: Blend words dr, gr, tr – Coming soon
ISL Video: Blend words dr, gr, tr – Coming soon
Refer to the ‘LSRW’ Adaptation & strategies given in the Main page of ‘Vegetables’ if there are any neuro-diverse children in the class.
Teacher Resource Document
Source and Attribution of images All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created. |
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation. |