Keeping My Hands to Myself-I do not Hit Others

Goal and Objectives  

  Goal: To teach children how to handle losing a game.


  The child will:

      • how do they politely ask their friends to join them in play
      • how can they inform their teacher if they encounter any trouble
      • how to use relaxation techniques to calm themselves down when angry 
      • how to use their hands for appropriate purposes
      • how to get the attention of their friends positively 

Social Narrative

This narrative describes a social situation or activity and answers key questions: What, When, Where, Why and How. It helps individuals with special needs understand the appropriate behaviours and responses for similar situations.

Click to download

Picture Cards

Pocket-sized cards featuring key images to help enhance visual memory, comprehension and communication skills by promoting an understanding of abstract concepts.

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Cue Cards

Visual cues to help support communication, promote positive actions, assist in social interactions, aid task completion, teach self-regulation and demonstrate expected behaviour.

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Communication Cards

Visual cards to assist individuals with special needs to express their needs, emotions, comments and choices. This improves communication, reduces frustration and behavioural challenges, supports social interaction and promotes independence.

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Key and Important Simple Strategies Cards

K.I.S.S. Cards

Pocket-sized Do’s and Don’ts cards to help encourage appropriate behaviour and clarify right from wrong. They support emotional regulation, improve social skills, enhance choice-making, assist with transitions and routines and build confidence.

Click to download


Social narrative presented in a poster that can be printed and displayed at home or school.

Click to download

Power Script

Pocket-sized cards featuring positive affirmations that serve as an inner voice, providing motivation and boosting self-confidence.

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Power Script Poster

Poster version of Power Scripts with special characters and a space for inserting a child’s image for personalisation.

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Self Expression Through Use of Pictures Script

SETUP Script

  This is a comic-style conversation based on a scenario related to the topic.

Click to download


An audio version of the narrative to help auditory learners.

Keeping My Hands to Myself-I do not Hit Others – Click here to play

Video – Keeping My Hands to Myself-I do not Hit Others 

A video version of the narrative to help visual learners.

Audio – Power Voice in Male Voice

Audio – Power Voice in Female Voice

I always use my hands for good, and aim to create a positive impact with every action – Click here to play
I am capable of gaining my friends_ attention in a positive manner – Click here to play
I need not be afraid to speak up and seek help when faced with a difficult situation, I have the power to take control of the situation and make a positive change – Click here to play
I understand that happiness is essential for myself and those around me. I can keep myself and others happy – Click here to play
Keeping calm helps me perform better – Click here to play
Staying calm helps me to enjoy playing with my friends. It allows me to be happier and have more fun – Click here to play
I always use my hands for good, and aim to create a positive impact with every action – Click here to play
I am capable of gaining my friends_ attention in a positive manner – Click here to play
I need not be afraid to speak up and seek help when faced with a difficult situation, I have the power to take control of the situation and make a positive change – Click here to play
I understand that happiness is essential for myself and those around me. I can keep myself and others happy – Click here to play
Keeping calm helps me perform better – Click here to play
Staying calm helps me to enjoy playing with my friends. It allows me to be happier and have more fun – Click here to play
Source and Attribution of images
All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created.
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation.