I Am Going to Board the Aeroplane

Goal and Objectives  

  Goal: To help children navigate the airport and complete boarding procedures for their flight. 


  The child will:

      • learn the step-by-step procedure for boarding a flight
      • assist the parents in packing and organising required travel items 
      • be able to deal with the sensory challenges to avoid in-airport meltdowns 

Social Narrative

This narrative describes a social situation or activity and answers key questions: What, When, Where, Why and How. It helps individuals with special needs understand the appropriate behaviours and responses for similar situations.

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Picture Cards

Pocket-sized cards featuring key images to help enhance visual memory, comprehension and communication skills by promoting an understanding of abstract concepts.

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Cue Cards

Visual cues to help support communication, promote positive actions, assist in social interactions, aid task completion, teach self-regulation and demonstrate expected behaviour.

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Communication Cards

Visual cards to assist individuals with special needs to express their needs, emotions, comments and choices. This improves communication, reduces frustration and behavioural challenges, supports social interaction and promotes independence.

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Key and Important Simple Strategies Cards

K.I.S.S. Cards

Pocket-sized Do’s and Don’ts cards to help encourage appropriate behaviour and clarify right from wrong. They support emotional regulation, improve social skills, enhance choice-making, assist with transitions and routines and build confidence.

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Social narrative presented in a poster that can be printed and displayed at home or school.

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Power Script

Pocket-sized cards featuring positive affirmations that serve as an inner voice, providing motivation and boosting self-confidence.

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Power Script Poster

Poster version of Power Scripts with special characters and a space for inserting a child’s image for personalisation.

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Self Expression Through Use of Picture Script

SETUP Script

  This is a comic-style conversation based on a scenario related to the topic.

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Audio Book

An audio version of the narrative to help auditory learners.

I Am Going to Board the Aeroplane – Click here to play

Video – I Am Going to Board the Aeroplane

A video version of the narrative to help visual learners.

Audio – Power Voice in Male Voice

Audio – Power Voice in Female Voice

I am always eager to learn and follow proper aeroplane boarding procedures – Click here to play
I am capable of helping my parents at the airport – Click here to play
I am confident and happy to travel by aeroplane – Click here to play
I am safe when, I follow the rules the board the aeroplane – Click here to play
I can keep myself calm and peaceful when I calm at the airport – Click here to play
I can pack the things required for traveling – Click here to play
I am always eager to learn and follow proper aeroplane boarding procedure – Click here to play
I am capable of helping my parents at the airport – Click here to play
I am confident and happy to travel by aeroplane – Click here to play
I am safe when, I follow the rules the board the aeroplane – Click here to play
I can keep myself calm and peaceful when I calm at the airport – Click here to play
I can pack the things required for traveling – Click here to play