Myself and Pre-writing Strokes

Week 3

Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.

The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.

The topic/concept ‘Myself’ will be done to help them in self-identification, self-awareness and social skills through activities like questions and answers, story and games. 

‘Pre-writing strokes’ will be introduced through fun activities like muscle strengthening activities, tracing in the air, sand and worksheets and drawing on the blackboard. 

Listening and Speaking: Myself


Total Physical response/Warm-up exercise: (to be done before every session)

Notes to the teacher: 

Refer to Week 1, Day 1 of the topic’s detailed asset.

Suggested variation- Once the children are familiar and at ease with the exercises (which has been done for the past two weeks), the following variations can be made to make the exercises interesting and topic related. The teacher can ask the children their picture-name card after the second command.
Example: As the teacher gives the command ‘Stand up’ he/she can say, “Pick up your name card.” and continue with the rest of the commands.

Action Time (Commands):
1. Sit on the chair
2. Stand up
3. Pick up your name card
4. Turn around
5. Sit on the chair

Day 1

Main Concept: Revision and Closing Session

The teacher can revise what has been done and ask the children to come forward one by one and introduce themselves.

Day 2

Activity time: Birthday celebrations

All the children will be asked to come forward and speak about how they celebrate their birthday.

Note to the teacher: 
The teacher can send a note to the parents about this on the previous day to enable the children to learn a few lines. The teacher can assist those who are unable to speak out or read out if they have brought a written note about their birthdays.

Day 3 & 4

Language game – Know your friends’ names

Resources required: Name cards of all the children in the class and 3 boxes.


  1. The teacher prepares the name cards of all the children. E.g. Avyukt, Diya, Taniya, etc.
  2. Divide the class into 3 groups (the number of groups can vary according to the class size). Then, the teacher arranges 3 boxes for the activity (the number of boxes can vary according to the class size).
  3. Divide the name cards equally, place them in the three boxes, and then spread them apart in the classroom.
  4. The teacher picks a name from box A and calls it out. The student whose name is called will come and sit next to box A.
  5. Now, the teacher picks a name card from box B. The student whose name is called will come to box B and sit near it. The process repeats for the other boxes. Then, the teacher starts from box A again.
  6. Exhaust all the names until all the names are called and students sit in each group. 
  7. Ask the children to identify the names of the children in their group (at least 2).

Suggested Variation: Children with mild vision or hearing issues can be helped by pairing them with a peer. Refer to the Adaptation Video of the Language Game given at the end.

Note to the teacher: 

  • The teacher will make sure that all children get a chance to participate in this game.
  • Ask the children to listen to the instructions carefully.
  • Instructions from the teacher are to be followed by all groups.

Video: Know your friends names – Coming soon

ISL Video: Know your friends names – Coming soon

Day 5

Activity: More about myself

Children are shown pictures of a boy and a girl, some kinds of food items, and some kinds of games children play. The teacher, then, has a conversation with the children in following lines to understand more about themselves:

  1. Are you a girl or a boy?
  2. What do you like to eat?
  3. What do you like to play with?

Note to the teacher: 
1. The teacher will make sure that every child gets a chance to participate in the activity.
2. Children who are hesitant to talk, may be allowed to point out the related picture displayed and give their response.

Poster: More about myself – Coming soon

Video: Make a left curve with a banana – Coming soon

Video: Make a right curve on a sand tray – Coming soon

Source and Attribution of images
All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created.
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation.