Myself and Pre-writing Strokes

Week 2

Note: Listening and Speaking section will be in Black and Reading and Writing section will be in Maroon colour.

The class begins with physical exercises and responding to directions given.

The topic/concept ‘Myself’ will be done to help them in self-identification and self-awareness through activities like questions and answers, story and games.

‘Pre-writing strokes’ will be introduced through fun activities like muscle strengthening activities, tracing in the air, sand and worksheets and walking on lines.

Listening and Speaking: Myself


Total Physical response/warm-up exercise (to be done before every session)

Notes to the teacher: 

Day 1

Continue with Name Game

Day 2

Continue with Name Game

Day 3

Activity Time – Stick My Picture

The teacher instructs the children on the previous day to bring a diary/notebook from home to stick their pictures in the class.

Notes to the teacher: 
The teacher can conduct the activity as follows:

  1. The child opens the first page of the diary/notebook.
  2. The child picks a photo of himself/herself.
  3. The child applies glue on the back side of the photo and pastes it on the first page.
  4. The teacher can guide the children to paste the photograph at the appropriate place.
  5. The teacher writes the child’s name below the picture.

Video: Stick My Picture – Coming soon

Day 4

Activity time – Story of my name

Home assignment: The teacher asks students to learn the significance of their name from their parents or grandparents before starting the session. (the previous day)
“What is the story behind your name?” “What is the meaning of your name?” “Who named you?”

Note to the teacher: 

  1. The teacher asks each child to come to the front of the class one by one to introduce themselves by his/her name.
  2. Children take their diaries/notebooks and open the page where they have stuck their photos.
  3. The teacher asks each child, “Who named you?” The teacher listens to the child’s response.
  4. The teacher asks the next question, “Do you know the meaning of your name?” Listen to the child’s response.
  5. The teacher encourages the children to speak in English or in their mother tongue.

Video: Story of my name – Coming soon

ISL Video: Story of my name – Coming soon

Day 5

Game Time – Pick my Name Card

The teacher conducts an activity by asking each child to come to his/her table. The teacher gives two/three other name cards along with the child’s name card. The child picks up his/her own name card. The teacher makes sure that all children get a chance.

Source and Attribution of images
All images used in the above Assets and Aids are originally created.
This digital material has been developed by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Inclusive Education Project, a unit of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam, as a collaborative offering in the service of our nation.